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00001 /*
00002   File autogenerated by gengetopt version 2.8.1
00003   generated with the following command:
00004   gengetopt 
00006   The developers of gengetopt consider the fixed text that goes in all
00007   gengetopt output files to be in the public domain:
00008   we make no copyright claims on it.
00009 */
00012 #include <stdio.h>
00013 #include <stdlib.h>
00014 #include <string.h>
00015 /* If we use autoconf.  */
00016 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00017 #include "config.h"
00018 #endif
00019 /* Check for configure's getopt check result.  */
00020 #ifndef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG
00021 #include "getopt.h"
00022 #else
00023 #include <getopt.h>
00024 #endif
00026 #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
00027 #define strdup gengetopt_strdup
00028 #endif /* HAVE_STRDUP */
00030 #include "cmdline.h"
00033 void
00034 cmdline_parser_print_version (void)
00035 {
00036   printf ("%s %s\n", PACKAGE, VERSION);
00037 }
00039 void
00040 cmdline_parser_print_help (void)
00041 {
00042   cmdline_parser_print_version ();
00043   printf("\n"
00044   "Purpose:\n"
00045   "  MrProjext is a MrProject-Databasefile-Extractor and -Converter:\n"
00046   "  It can search the tasks belonging to a specific timeslot or recource. \n"
00047   "  And (as converter) it can rewrite the extracted result as MrProject-, \n"
00048   "  Evolution-, Yank- or Pilot-File\n"
00049   "\n"
00050   "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]...\n", PACKAGE);
00051   printf("   -h         --help                   Print help and exit\n");
00052   printf("   -V         --version                Print version and exit\n");
00053   printf("   -fSTRING   --dbFile=STRING          read from mrproject-xml-dbfile (default='stdin')\n");
00054   printf("   -sSTRING   --timeSlotStart=STRING   extract tasks not ending before ... (iso8601str) (default='19700101T000000')\n");
00055   printf("   -eSTRING   --timeSlotEnd=STRING     extract tasks not starting after ... (iso8601str) (default='21001231T240000')\n");
00056   printf("   -pSTRING   --person=STRING          extract tasks being handled by ... (default='all')\n");
00057   printf("   -gSTRING   --group=STRING           extract tasks being handled by ... (default='all')\n");
00058   printf("   -o         --onlyOpenTasks          extract only unfullfilled tasks (default=off)\n");
00059   printf("              --only-open              extract only unfullfilled tasks (default=off)\n");
00060   printf("   -i         --rwIso8601              rewrite iso8601 date-strings instead of german form (default=off)\n");
00061   printf("              --iso-dates              rewrite iso8601 date-strings instead of german form (default=off)\n");
00062   printf("   -l         --rwOnlyLeafs            rewrite only the extracted most embedded tasks (default=off)\n");
00063   printf("              --only-leafs             rewrite only the extracted most embedded tasks (default=off)\n");
00064   printf("   -X         --rwMrPrjFile            rewrite the extracted tasks as new mrproject-xml-dbfile (default=off)\n");
00065   printf("              --output-mrproject       rewrite the extracted tasks as new mrproject-xml-dbfile (default=off)\n");
00066   printf("   -M         --rwMemoFile             rewrite the extracted tasks as text-memo (default=off)\n");
00067   printf("              --output-memo            rewrite the extracted tasks as text-memo (default=off)\n");
00068   printf("   -P         --rwPilotFile            rewrite the extracted tasks as pilot-todo-file (default=off)\n");
00069   printf("              --output-pilot           rewrite the extracted tasks as pilot-todo-file (default=off)\n");
00070   printf("   -v         --rwVcardFile            rewrite the extracted tasks as vcard-todo-file (default=off)\n");
00071   printf("              --output-vcard           rewrite the extracted tasks as vcard-todo-file (default=off)\n");
00072   printf("   -Y         --rwYankFile             rewrite the extracted tasks as yank-todo-file (default=off)\n");
00073   printf("              --output-yank            rewrite the extracted tasks as yank-todo-file (default=off)\n");
00074   printf("   -C         --rwCslFile              rewrite  the extracted tasks as comma seperated todo-line-list (default=off)\n");
00075   printf("              --output-csl             rewrite  the extracted tasks as comma seperated todo-line-list (default=off)\n");
00076   printf("   -H         --rwHtmlSurvey           rewrite a total task survey as htmlpage (default=off)\n");
00077   printf("              --output-html            rewrite a total task survey as htmlpage (default=off)\n");
00078   printf("   -DSTRING   --evaluationDate=STRING  build task fullfilling survey with respect to this date (iso8601str)\n");
00079   printf("   -d         --debug                  print debugMessages (default=off)\n");
00080 }
00083 #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
00084 /* gengetopt_strdup(): automatically generated from strdup.c. */
00085 /* strdup.c replacement of strdup, which is not standard */
00086 static char *
00087 gengetopt_strdup (const char *s)
00088 {
00089   char *result = (char*)malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
00090   if (result == (char*)0)
00091     return (char*)0;
00092   strcpy(result, s);
00093   return result;
00094 }
00095 #endif /* HAVE_STRDUP */
00097 int
00098 cmdline_parser (int argc, char * const *argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
00099 {
00100   int c;        /* Character of the parsed option.  */
00101   int missing_required_options = 0;
00103   args_info->help_given = 0 ;
00104   args_info->version_given = 0 ;
00105   args_info->dbFile_given = 0 ;
00106   args_info->timeSlotStart_given = 0 ;
00107   args_info->timeSlotEnd_given = 0 ;
00108   args_info->person_given = 0 ;
00109   args_info->group_given = 0 ;
00110   args_info->onlyOpenTasks_given = 0 ;
00111   args_info->only_open_given = 0 ;
00112   args_info->rwIso8601_given = 0 ;
00113   args_info->iso_dates_given = 0 ;
00114   args_info->rwOnlyLeafs_given = 0 ;
00115   args_info->only_leafs_given = 0 ;
00116   args_info->rwMrPrjFile_given = 0 ;
00117   args_info->output_mrproject_given = 0 ;
00118   args_info->rwMemoFile_given = 0 ;
00119   args_info->output_memo_given = 0 ;
00120   args_info->rwPilotFile_given = 0 ;
00121   args_info->output_pilot_given = 0 ;
00122   args_info->rwVcardFile_given = 0 ;
00123   args_info->output_vcard_given = 0 ;
00124   args_info->rwYankFile_given = 0 ;
00125   args_info->output_yank_given = 0 ;
00126   args_info->rwCslFile_given = 0 ;
00127   args_info->output_csl_given = 0 ;
00128   args_info->rwHtmlSurvey_given = 0 ;
00129   args_info->output_html_given = 0 ;
00130   args_info->evaluationDate_given = 0 ;
00131   args_info->debug_given = 0 ;
00132 #define clear_args() { \
00133   args_info->dbFile_arg = strdup("stdin") ;\
00134   args_info->timeSlotStart_arg = strdup("19700101T000000") ;\
00135   args_info->timeSlotEnd_arg = strdup("21001231T240000") ;\
00136   args_info->person_arg = strdup("all") ;\
00137   args_info->group_arg = strdup("all") ;\
00138   args_info->onlyOpenTasks_flag = 0;\
00139   args_info->only_open_flag = 0;\
00140   args_info->rwIso8601_flag = 0;\
00141   args_info->iso_dates_flag = 0;\
00142   args_info->rwOnlyLeafs_flag = 0;\
00143   args_info->only_leafs_flag = 0;\
00144   args_info->rwMrPrjFile_flag = 0;\
00145   args_info->output_mrproject_flag = 0;\
00146   args_info->rwMemoFile_flag = 0;\
00147   args_info->output_memo_flag = 0;\
00148   args_info->rwPilotFile_flag = 0;\
00149   args_info->output_pilot_flag = 0;\
00150   args_info->rwVcardFile_flag = 0;\
00151   args_info->output_vcard_flag = 0;\
00152   args_info->rwYankFile_flag = 0;\
00153   args_info->output_yank_flag = 0;\
00154   args_info->rwCslFile_flag = 0;\
00155   args_info->output_csl_flag = 0;\
00156   args_info->rwHtmlSurvey_flag = 0;\
00157   args_info->output_html_flag = 0;\
00158   args_info->evaluationDate_arg = NULL; \
00159   args_info->debug_flag = 0;\
00160 }
00162   clear_args();
00164   optarg = 0;
00165   optind = 1;
00166   opterr = 1;
00167   optopt = '?';
00169   while (1)
00170     {
00171       int option_index = 0;
00172       char *stop_char;
00173       static struct option long_options[] = {
00174         { "help",       0, NULL, 'h' },
00175         { "version",    0, NULL, 'V' },
00176         { "dbFile",     1, NULL, 'f' },
00177         { "timeSlotStart",      1, NULL, 's' },
00178         { "timeSlotEnd",        1, NULL, 'e' },
00179         { "person",     1, NULL, 'p' },
00180         { "group",      1, NULL, 'g' },
00181         { "onlyOpenTasks",      0, NULL, 'o' },
00182         { "only-open",  0, NULL, 0 },
00183         { "rwIso8601",  0, NULL, 'i' },
00184         { "iso-dates",  0, NULL, 0 },
00185         { "rwOnlyLeafs",        0, NULL, 'l' },
00186         { "only-leafs", 0, NULL, 0 },
00187         { "rwMrPrjFile",        0, NULL, 'X' },
00188         { "output-mrproject",   0, NULL, 0 },
00189         { "rwMemoFile", 0, NULL, 'M' },
00190         { "output-memo",        0, NULL, 0 },
00191         { "rwPilotFile",        0, NULL, 'P' },
00192         { "output-pilot",       0, NULL, 0 },
00193         { "rwVcardFile",        0, NULL, 'v' },
00194         { "output-vcard",       0, NULL, 0 },
00195         { "rwYankFile", 0, NULL, 'Y' },
00196         { "output-yank",        0, NULL, 0 },
00197         { "rwCslFile",  0, NULL, 'C' },
00198         { "output-csl", 0, NULL, 0 },
00199         { "rwHtmlSurvey",       0, NULL, 'H' },
00200         { "output-html",        0, NULL, 0 },
00201         { "evaluationDate",     1, NULL, 'D' },
00202         { "debug",      0, NULL, 'd' },
00203         { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
00204       };
00206       c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVf:s:e:p:g:oilXMPvYCHD:d", long_options, &option_index);
00208       if (c == -1) break;       /* Exit from `while (1)' loop.  */
00210       switch (c)
00211         {
00212         case 'h':       /* Print help and exit.  */
00213           clear_args ();
00214           cmdline_parser_print_help ();
00215           exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
00217         case 'V':       /* Print version and exit.  */
00218           clear_args ();
00219           cmdline_parser_print_version ();
00220           exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
00222         case 'f':       /* read from mrproject-xml-dbfile.  */
00223           if (args_info->dbFile_given)
00224             {
00225               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--dbFile' (`-f') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00226               clear_args ();
00227               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00228             }
00229           args_info->dbFile_given = 1;
00230           args_info->dbFile_arg = strdup (optarg);
00231           break;
00233         case 's':       /* extract tasks not ending before ... (iso8601str).  */
00234           if (args_info->timeSlotStart_given)
00235             {
00236               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--timeSlotStart' (`-s') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00237               clear_args ();
00238               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00239             }
00240           args_info->timeSlotStart_given = 1;
00241           args_info->timeSlotStart_arg = strdup (optarg);
00242           break;
00244         case 'e':       /* extract tasks not starting after ... (iso8601str).  */
00245           if (args_info->timeSlotEnd_given)
00246             {
00247               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--timeSlotEnd' (`-e') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00248               clear_args ();
00249               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00250             }
00251           args_info->timeSlotEnd_given = 1;
00252           args_info->timeSlotEnd_arg = strdup (optarg);
00253           break;
00255         case 'p':       /* extract tasks being handled by ....  */
00256           if (args_info->person_given)
00257             {
00258               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--person' (`-p') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00259               clear_args ();
00260               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00261             }
00262           args_info->person_given = 1;
00263           args_info->person_arg = strdup (optarg);
00264           break;
00266         case 'g':       /* extract tasks being handled by ....  */
00267           if (args_info->group_given)
00268             {
00269               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--group' (`-g') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00270               clear_args ();
00271               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00272             }
00273           args_info->group_given = 1;
00274           args_info->group_arg = strdup (optarg);
00275           break;
00277         case 'o':       /* extract only unfullfilled tasks.  */
00278           if (args_info->onlyOpenTasks_given)
00279             {
00280               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--onlyOpenTasks' (`-o') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00281               clear_args ();
00282               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00283             }
00284           args_info->onlyOpenTasks_given = 1;
00285           args_info->onlyOpenTasks_flag = !(args_info->onlyOpenTasks_flag);
00286           break;
00288         case 'i':       /* rewrite iso8601 date-strings instead of german form.  */
00289           if (args_info->rwIso8601_given)
00290             {
00291               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwIso8601' (`-i') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00292               clear_args ();
00293               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00294             }
00295           args_info->rwIso8601_given = 1;
00296           args_info->rwIso8601_flag = !(args_info->rwIso8601_flag);
00297           break;
00299         case 'l':       /* rewrite only the extracted most embedded tasks.  */
00300           if (args_info->rwOnlyLeafs_given)
00301             {
00302               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwOnlyLeafs' (`-l') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00303               clear_args ();
00304               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00305             }
00306           args_info->rwOnlyLeafs_given = 1;
00307           args_info->rwOnlyLeafs_flag = !(args_info->rwOnlyLeafs_flag);
00308           break;
00310         case 'X':       /* rewrite the extracted tasks as new mrproject-xml-dbfile.  */
00311           if (args_info->rwMrPrjFile_given)
00312             {
00313               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwMrPrjFile' (`-X') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00314               clear_args ();
00315               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00316             }
00317           args_info->rwMrPrjFile_given = 1;
00318           args_info->rwMrPrjFile_flag = !(args_info->rwMrPrjFile_flag);
00319           break;
00321         case 'M':       /* rewrite the extracted tasks as text-memo.  */
00322           if (args_info->rwMemoFile_given)
00323             {
00324               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwMemoFile' (`-M') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00325               clear_args ();
00326               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00327             }
00328           args_info->rwMemoFile_given = 1;
00329           args_info->rwMemoFile_flag = !(args_info->rwMemoFile_flag);
00330           break;
00332         case 'P':       /* rewrite the extracted tasks as pilot-todo-file.  */
00333           if (args_info->rwPilotFile_given)
00334             {
00335               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwPilotFile' (`-P') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00336               clear_args ();
00337               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00338             }
00339           args_info->rwPilotFile_given = 1;
00340           args_info->rwPilotFile_flag = !(args_info->rwPilotFile_flag);
00341           break;
00343         case 'v':       /* rewrite the extracted tasks as vcard-todo-file.  */
00344           if (args_info->rwVcardFile_given)
00345             {
00346               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwVcardFile' (`-v') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00347               clear_args ();
00348               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00349             }
00350           args_info->rwVcardFile_given = 1;
00351           args_info->rwVcardFile_flag = !(args_info->rwVcardFile_flag);
00352           break;
00354         case 'Y':       /* rewrite the extracted tasks as yank-todo-file.  */
00355           if (args_info->rwYankFile_given)
00356             {
00357               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwYankFile' (`-Y') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00358               clear_args ();
00359               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00360             }
00361           args_info->rwYankFile_given = 1;
00362           args_info->rwYankFile_flag = !(args_info->rwYankFile_flag);
00363           break;
00365         case 'C':       /* rewrite  the extracted tasks as comma seperated todo-line-list.  */
00366           if (args_info->rwCslFile_given)
00367             {
00368               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwCslFile' (`-C') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00369               clear_args ();
00370               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00371             }
00372           args_info->rwCslFile_given = 1;
00373           args_info->rwCslFile_flag = !(args_info->rwCslFile_flag);
00374           break;
00376         case 'H':       /* rewrite a total task survey as htmlpage.  */
00377           if (args_info->rwHtmlSurvey_given)
00378             {
00379               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--rwHtmlSurvey' (`-H') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00380               clear_args ();
00381               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00382             }
00383           args_info->rwHtmlSurvey_given = 1;
00384           args_info->rwHtmlSurvey_flag = !(args_info->rwHtmlSurvey_flag);
00385           break;
00387         case 'D':       /* build task fullfilling survey with respect to this date (iso8601str).  */
00388           if (args_info->evaluationDate_given)
00389             {
00390               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--evaluationDate' (`-D') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00391               clear_args ();
00392               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00393             }
00394           args_info->evaluationDate_given = 1;
00395           args_info->evaluationDate_arg = strdup (optarg);
00396           break;
00398         case 'd':       /* print debugMessages.  */
00399           if (args_info->debug_given)
00400             {
00401               fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--debug' (`-d') option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00402               clear_args ();
00403               exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00404             }
00405           args_info->debug_given = 1;
00406           args_info->debug_flag = !(args_info->debug_flag);
00407           break;
00410         case 0: /* Long option with no short option */
00411           /* extract only unfullfilled tasks.  */
00412           if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "only-open") == 0)
00413           {
00414             if (args_info->only_open_given)
00415               {
00416                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--only-open' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00417                 clear_args ();
00418                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00419               }
00420             args_info->only_open_given = 1;
00421             args_info->only_open_flag = !(args_info->only_open_flag);
00422             break;
00423           }
00424           /* rewrite iso8601 date-strings instead of german form.  */
00425           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "iso-dates") == 0)
00426           {
00427             if (args_info->iso_dates_given)
00428               {
00429                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--iso-dates' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00430                 clear_args ();
00431                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00432               }
00433             args_info->iso_dates_given = 1;
00434             args_info->iso_dates_flag = !(args_info->iso_dates_flag);
00435             break;
00436           }
00437           /* rewrite only the extracted most embedded tasks.  */
00438           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "only-leafs") == 0)
00439           {
00440             if (args_info->only_leafs_given)
00441               {
00442                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--only-leafs' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00443                 clear_args ();
00444                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00445               }
00446             args_info->only_leafs_given = 1;
00447             args_info->only_leafs_flag = !(args_info->only_leafs_flag);
00448             break;
00449           }
00450           /* rewrite the extracted tasks as new mrproject-xml-dbfile.  */
00451           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-mrproject") == 0)
00452           {
00453             if (args_info->output_mrproject_given)
00454               {
00455                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-mrproject' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00456                 clear_args ();
00457                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00458               }
00459             args_info->output_mrproject_given = 1;
00460             args_info->output_mrproject_flag = !(args_info->output_mrproject_flag);
00461             break;
00462           }
00463           /* rewrite the extracted tasks as text-memo.  */
00464           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-memo") == 0)
00465           {
00466             if (args_info->output_memo_given)
00467               {
00468                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-memo' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00469                 clear_args ();
00470                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00471               }
00472             args_info->output_memo_given = 1;
00473             args_info->output_memo_flag = !(args_info->output_memo_flag);
00474             break;
00475           }
00476           /* rewrite the extracted tasks as pilot-todo-file.  */
00477           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-pilot") == 0)
00478           {
00479             if (args_info->output_pilot_given)
00480               {
00481                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-pilot' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00482                 clear_args ();
00483                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00484               }
00485             args_info->output_pilot_given = 1;
00486             args_info->output_pilot_flag = !(args_info->output_pilot_flag);
00487             break;
00488           }
00489           /* rewrite the extracted tasks as vcard-todo-file.  */
00490           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-vcard") == 0)
00491           {
00492             if (args_info->output_vcard_given)
00493               {
00494                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-vcard' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00495                 clear_args ();
00496                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00497               }
00498             args_info->output_vcard_given = 1;
00499             args_info->output_vcard_flag = !(args_info->output_vcard_flag);
00500             break;
00501           }
00502           /* rewrite the extracted tasks as yank-todo-file.  */
00503           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-yank") == 0)
00504           {
00505             if (args_info->output_yank_given)
00506               {
00507                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-yank' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00508                 clear_args ();
00509                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00510               }
00511             args_info->output_yank_given = 1;
00512             args_info->output_yank_flag = !(args_info->output_yank_flag);
00513             break;
00514           }
00515           /* rewrite  the extracted tasks as comma seperated todo-line-list.  */
00516           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-csl") == 0)
00517           {
00518             if (args_info->output_csl_given)
00519               {
00520                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-csl' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00521                 clear_args ();
00522                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00523               }
00524             args_info->output_csl_given = 1;
00525             args_info->output_csl_flag = !(args_info->output_csl_flag);
00526             break;
00527           }
00528           /* rewrite a total task survey as htmlpage.  */
00529           else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "output-html") == 0)
00530           {
00531             if (args_info->output_html_given)
00532               {
00533                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--output-html' option given more than once\n", PACKAGE);
00534                 clear_args ();
00535                 exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00536               }
00537             args_info->output_html_given = 1;
00538             args_info->output_html_flag = !(args_info->output_html_flag);
00539             break;
00540           }
00542         case '?':       /* Invalid option.  */
00543           /* `getopt_long' already printed an error message.  */
00544           exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00546         default:        /* bug: option not considered.  */
00547           fprintf (stderr, "%s: option unknown: %c\n", PACKAGE, c);
00548           abort ();
00549         } /* switch */
00550     } /* while */
00553   if ( missing_required_options )
00554     exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
00556   return 0;
00557 }

Generated on Sun Mar 16 10:58:36 2003 for MRPROJEXT by doxygen1.2.17